
Yoga For Kids And Youth

Aikyam Yoga For Kids And Youth is a program that focuses on bringing disciplines that help to develop attention and concentration and stimulate the creative abilities that are latent within the child. The Practice of yoga not only help to keep the young body strong and supple but also brings mental sharpness helping them experience accurate relationship with their environment, making them capable of dealing with the real world with calmness and positivity.

Classes We Offer:

Parent and Child Yoga - Age 2yrs - 3yrs

Kids Yoga - Age 4yrs - Age 9yrs

Teen Yoga - Age 9yrs - Age 14yrs

Benefits Of Yoga In Youth

  • Transform Mental energy Into Creative Action

  • Perfect Attention And Focused Mind

  • Flexible and strong body

  • Yoga A Preventive Medicine

  • Learn To Resolve Personal Conflicts

  • Creating Right Balance Between Introversion And Extroversion

  • Emotional Balance

  • Spiritual Awareness

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Batch Starts: March 14, 2024

Dates: March - 14, 21, 28, April - 4, 11, 18

Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm

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Batch Starts: March 12, 2024

Dates: March - 12, 19, 26, April - 2, 9, 16

Time: 6:00 - 6:45pm

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Batch Starts: March 13, 2024

Dates: March - 13, 20, 27, April - 3, 10, 17

Time: 5:45 - 6:45pm

Benifits Of Uday Kriya

  • Vital energy is well preserved.

  • Helps to Build a Healthy, Consistent Routine

  • Boosts metabolism and Balance Your Hormones

  • prevents injury and achiness throughout the day

  • Prepare for deeper state of meditation

  • Removes the body of toxins stored in the tissues