Online Yoga Retreat
Refreshing, Rejuvenating, Re-energizing and Re-empowering
Enjoy a pleasant yoga holiday without having to leave your home. There are many reasons to join a virtual yoga retreat nowadays. Aside from the current travel situation, it has many advantages.
A Retreat can be a life-changing experience providing true 'me time' to reconnect with your authentic self, to remember what brings you joy, and to achieve the clarity to start creating the means to have it.
Benefit Of A Yoga Retreat
Deep relaxation and peace A healthier perspective
Spiritual connection Aid to recovery from illness
Transferable skills
Yoga Retreat Program Schedule
8:00am - 8:20am = Mantra Chanting
8:20am - 8:40am = Face Yoga/Mudra
8:40am - 9:40am = Yoga Therapy
9:40am - 10:15am = Pranayama
10:15am - 11:00am = Breakfast Break
11:00am - 12:00pm = Philosophy
12:00pm - 12:30pm = Yoga Nidra/Closing